[Salon] Israel Wants Another Intifada - Opinion - Haaretz.com

As an attorney, still involved with a Guantanamo case in which the “right” to free speech and a free press, and a “right” not to be tortured are elements of the case, I oppose those "political theories” which, and political theorists who, advocate and support despotism, to include "legal despotism" as we first saw called for and articulated in the US “Conservative Movement” in the 1950s in National Review, as founded by former and/or current CIA officers of the time. 

I know speaking ill of Zionists, Likud, Netanyahu, Straussians, and Fascism, Israeli and other individual nation’s varieties, as particularly manifested in Yoram Hazony’s “National Conservativism,” a continuation of Meir Kahane’s ideology, as it is of “Zionist Revisionism” as in the attached article below, is off-putting to some. Or many, here. As is speaking ill of their main benefactors (though not exclusively so), Trump and the Republican Party. Even if the foregoing stood for what the Committee for the Republic stood in opposition to, and certainly what Chas Freeman has stood against. Particularly regarding the Mideast, if I have it correct. And of what The American Conservative magazine once professed to oppose, but seldom, if ever, does now. 

Unfortunately, there is no opposition to US wars anymore, on either side of the so-called political divide in the US today as the Democrat’s Right-wing has fully assimilated ideas they first plagiarized in the late 1970s as "Scoop Jackson Democrats” from the 1950s - to present, Conservative Movement’s “National Security State” ideology they put into full effect under Biden. Except the “opposition” of the Republicans to Biden’s wars, like Michael Ledeen’s to Bush’s, consists of entreaties of: “Faster, please!” (See Jack Keane on Fox today.) Even if redirecting that supplication to China (and always, Iran). Including suppression of speech we are seeing today which has its origins, as especially, advocated by the “Conservative Movement’s” founding CIA officers. Who had waged political warfare in Europe, as the Congress for Cultural Freedom by James Burnham, and Latin America by Bill Buckley’s Yale Professor mentor, who zealously believed in the “value” of suppressing any dissent to maintain the “cohesiveness” necessary for waging war. But here is a description of the “Origin” of the Israeli “Conservatism” which Trumpism and American Conservatives are in full alliance with now (see Pompeo Doctrine below). Attached files may appear at bottom, if they aren’t underneath the titles below. 

"Zionist Revisionism and the Likud: From Jabotinsky to Netanyahu"

Attachment: Zionist Revisionism and the Likud- From Jabotinsky to Netanyahu .pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

BLUF: "Begin and Sharon share the same dream: Sharon is the dream’s hatchet man. That dream is to annihilate the PLO, douse any vestiges of Palestinian nationalism, crush PLO allies and collaborators in the West Bank and eventually force the Palestinians there into Jordan and cripple, if not end, the Palestinian nationalist movement. That, for Sharon and Begin, was the ultimate purpose of the Lebanese war."101 

"Three weeks before the start of the Israeli invasion, Perlmutter wrote in the New York Times that Sharon ‘hopes to evict all Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza and drive them to Jordan’.”102 

"99 year-old Zionist, Benzion Netanyahu speaks on the “Future of the Jews”

Attachment: 99 year-old Zionist, Benzion Netanyahu speaks on the “Future of the Jews” - Destination Yisra'el.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Q: So what’s the solution?

A: “No solution but force… strong military rule. Any outbreak will bring upon the Arabs enormous suffering. We shouldn’t wait for a big mutiny to start, but rather act immediately with great force to prevent them from going on…

If it’s possible, we should conquer any disputed territory in the land of Israel. Conquer and hold it, even if it brings us years of war. We should conquer Gaza, and parts of the Galil, and the Golan. This will bring upon us a bloody war, since war is difficult for us – we don’t have a lot of territory, while the Arabs have lots of space to retreat to. But that’s the only way to survive here.”  (TP, or wait until Trump gives Netanyahu all of the forementioned.)

(Emphasis in original.)

"The Rise of American Conservatism in Israel"

Attachment: The Rise of American Conservatism in Israel.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

P. 455: "However, a devout and persistent proponent of American conservatism has been operating in the Israeli political arena for several decades:  Prime Minister  Netanyahu,  “an  Israeli  Republican.”346 Netanyahu has been promoting neo-liberal economic policies as tied to national freedom and might; holding a hawkish-pragmatic ideology while employing a friend v. foe rhetoric with regard to Arabs, including those who are Israeli citizens; appealing to voters’ sense of personal and national victimhood and existential struggle against universalistic progressive forces; encouraging a conservative intelligentsia; and has “repeatedly stated his preference for the presidential system, where the balance of power is tilted toward the executive branch.”347 Netanyahu is at home with the American right-wing, and has accordingly turned for support to “Christian fundamentalists and shrill right-wing Jewish groups” rather than the established institutions of American Jewish communities.348 His “lifelong goal” is to replace “Israel’s traditional elite with one more in tune with his philosophy."

And this, pp. 457 - 458: 
"b. Moving the Rights Discourse to the Right

"The conservative project counters the liberal one, in former Minister Shaked’s words, by stopping national Zionism from “continu[ing] to bow down to the system of individual rights interpreted in a universal way”358 (TP-and see definitions of Conservatism by Yoram Hazony, and Willmoore Kendall). At the same time, Shaked congratulated her religious constituents for electing her, a secular woman (TP- maybe a mother even, like fellow non-fascist Giorgia Meloni?), thus: “the fact that I was elected to my post in an open primary shows that ‘Jewish Home’ [her former party] voters are very open and very liberal.”359 Israeli conservatism walks a tightrope, navigating between staunch patriotism and the desire to reconfigure institutions, and between traditional collectivism and the valorization of individual merit. The utilization and manipulation of the language of rights in unconventional ways has proven very helpful in this endeavor, at times
directly following American examples."

And this, right out of the 1950’s, and later, Conservative Movement, and a constant theme of Willmoore Kendall, and his collaborators:
FN 415, p. 468
"Israel’s founder, David Ben-Gurion, held a republican conception of citizenship, which led him to oppose the adoption of a bill of rights and focus instead on individual duties. Doron Navot & Yoav Peled, Toward a Constitutional Counter-Revolution in Israel?, 16 CONSTELLATIONS 429, 432 (2009).” 

And inn conclusion, p. 472: "Subsequently, a massive political project rendered liberalism synonymous with left-wing and conservatism synonymous with right-wing. This occurs when social traditionalism, neo-liberal economic policy, and hawkish national security stances join hands with judicial interpretive methods centered around originalism, formalism, and deference.”

Making for a natural alliance between Israeli and US (and Italian, Indian, Brazil, Philippines, Britain, Hungarian, et al.) “Conservatives.”

Don’t take my word for it, just watch this Kohelet (mentioned in the article) event on the Pompeo Doctrine, née, Trump Doctrine, which begins in English at about 1:02, and continues to about 1:24. 

And for Conservatives, sign on to the Kohelet newsletter to keep abreast of what the Movement is doing, and the positions one must take. 

Israel Wants Another Intifada - Opinion - Haaretz.com

Israel wants another intifada, there’s no question about it. There’s no other explanation for the unbridled behavior of the past few months, even if it’s not clear what possible benefit could come from additional pointless bloodshed. Pointless, but Israel wants it: What it’s been doing in the occupied territories lately will inevitably lead to another intifada. Israel knows this well. Thus, one has to conclude that this is what it wants.

Is anything still left of the Israeli Left? Listen to Nir Baram


All of the missing elements for the outbreak of another intifada are missing only on the Palestinian side: The Palestinians lack leadership, they lack Arab and other international support, they lack unity and the fighting spirit, without which the intifada will be slow in coming, thought it will eventually come. But Israel has done its part to feed an outburst of anger and violence against it.

“What did you expect?” Trad Salah, whose son Uday, 17, died when an IDF sharpshooter fired one bullet into his head and one bullet into his heart from a distance of 100 meters (yards) in Kafr Dan. The question hung in the air inside his home, which will never recover from its grief. The two men who killed Maj. Bar Falah at the Jalamah checkpoint last week came from this militant village. In April, soldiers killed two unarmed men in the village. Now they killed Uday. In a few days, the army will raid the village and raze the homes of Falah’s killers. The writing is on the wall. The gravediggers can get to work in the cemetery across from the home of Salah, who can see his son’s grave from his window.

What did you expect? Ask the IDF and Shin Bet commanders who let the army and the security service do whatever the want. What did you expect? Ask the prime minister and the defense minister of the so-called government of change and healing, who allowed and encouraged all this. What did you expect, every Israeli who stays silent should be asked. No people that has suffered as the Palestinian people has suffered will remain quiet, and that includes the Palestinian people between Rafah, in the Gaza Strip, and Jenin in the West Bank.

What Israel has been doing for the past few months is a one-way ticket to a popular uprising, even if it fails like its two predecessors. The largest number of Palestinian fatalities and detentions without trial in seven years and the largest number of violent incidents by settlers – possibly more than ever. What did you expect? Collective punishment without shame, family punishment without hesitation – so what did you expect? What do you expect from an army whose commander boasts about how lethal it is, and whose soldiers know that anything goes?

It’s hard to decide where to begin – with the daily apartheid, from the Palestinian farmer who tried to protect himself and his property from settler thugs and now his hands are crushed, and he’s been detained for two weeks while the settler who hurt him walks free? With the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh, followed by the IDF’s lying attempts to shirk all responsibility for the despicable crime and to back the soldiers who shot her when they saw that she was a journalist?

With the unbelievable lightness with which soldiers kill unarmed protesters, nearly every day, and the unbelievable public indifference with which this wholesale killing is received? With the sanctifying of the army of the occupation? With the sickening way the army is worshiped in the media, a trend that lately has once more swelled to frightening proportions? Not a day goes by without fawning coverage of an exemplary soldier or military unit.

What did you expect from Israel’s crushing of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas? From Prime Minister Yair Lapid meeting with King Abdullah at the UN and completely disregarding Abbas, as if we’ve somehow returned to the days of Shimon Peres’s “Jordanian option”? From the army and the settlers’ growing intoxication with power? Where to begin?

It’s a lot easier to say how it will end. It will end with blood. More blood. With a violent uprising. It could be very brutal, and it will be fairly easy to understand, and even to justify, the motivations.

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